Latest technique to restore your smile

P Srinivasan I

Jaipur, If you feel nervous to smile in public due to deterioration of jaw bone because of some disease then you need not have to worry, as latest techniques have come to restore your smile.

For the first time in Rajasthan, a three-day conference on aesthetic and prosthetics advancements in cortico-basal implantology was organised in Jaipur.

Society for Immediate Loading Implantology (SOILI) organised this conference in which more than 200 dentists across the state gathered to learn the latest techniques in basal implantology. The experts will share as how these advance technique compared to others are cheap and painless. There will be 23 sessions in three-day conference.

Conference organising chairman Dr Vivek Gaur and organising secretary Dr Neelam Maheshwari said that advance technique of basal implant is very effective when jaw bone gets deteriorated due to pyorrhoea, in some accident or cancer.

Dr Maheshwari said that this implant is painless and patient does not have to wait long for getting teeth implanted. Within three day, the patient can eat normal food, she added.

She said that SOILI is a non-profitable society and its objective is to be provide cheap and easy treatment to all sections of the society.

Dr Antonina Ihde who is expert in making the smile beautiful said that basal implant is useful especially for poor patients.

Dr Tanmay Sharma said that oral hygiene in India is not in good shape as people are not aware as how important is teeth in one’s body. He said without teeth, the body will be under stress as you cannot properly eat and speak and will also not look good.

Women due to bad oral hygiene can have miscarriage, will deliver low birth weight baby and may even unable to conceive, he added.

Dr Maheshwari further added that conventional implant was done on alveolar bone and implant takes 3-6 months to gel with alveolar bone while in cortical implant teeth set within 72 hours. Similarly, immediately after extraction of teeth cortical implant can be done, while in conventional method after extract the patient has to wait for 30-45 days for the implant.

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