Diwali: Towards light or darkness?

– Anjali Shekhawat

The season of perfect pollution is once again here, the smoke, the noise, the toxic waste and harmful gases is exactly what our Diwali looks like. Even though Greta Thunberg did manage to open the eyes of few there still lingers a large number of people who will drown themselves in hopeless show of light and sound. As per the latest reports, Delhi is facing the worst level pollution and is predicted to experience deteriorating air quality is coming days. The Air Quality Index (AQI) rates the quality as “very poor” in almost 37 stations across the city. This time of the year already sees the worst quality air because of the following reasons-

Crop Burning- The adjacent regions like Punjab, Haryana and Uttar Pradesh practice crop burning during this time which adds a large amount of smoke in the air.

Civil Construction- The intense construction and demolition activities taking place in the capital adds additional dust in the air which causes health and breathing problems.

Over-Population- Delhi is at the six most populated cities in the world. This adds up to all kinds of pollution like, air, water, noise etc.

Emission from Vehicles– This is with respect to the increasing population which means more cars and more pollution and subsequently more pollution.

As a result what all cities need to do, especially Delhi is cut down on pollution instead of aggravating it further. The uses of fuel- efficient vehicles, ban on waste material, use of shared taxis, minimize the use of electricity or go for pollution free crackers and celebrate in community so as to burn less.

There are many other ways of celebrating Diwali like laser lighting and laser shows or simply going for eco-friendly fire crackers. Union Health Minister Dr. Harsh Vardhan launched green crackers manufactured in India which are now available in market.

“I am very happy that on one hand, we would be using eco-friendly crackers this Deepawali, and, on the other hand, our traditional festival celebrations with lights and firecrackers shall remain intact. Millions of homes which are dependent on the sale and manufacture of fireworks will also rejoice this festival, thanks to our scientists!” he said. The Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) labs have developed these green fire crackers with the help of the manufactures. They have developed crackers like flowerpots, pencils, chakkar and sparklers and many more.

So let’s celebrate this Diwali old style, let there be earthen diyas, fragrance candles, colourful rangolis, lights and everything sweet.


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